Sunday, April 14, 2013

More Family Information!

As I continue on this journey of trying to uncover information about my relatives and ancestors, I am constantly surprised and amazed at the wealth of information that is available, even through simple means such as Google searches. It makes me realize how lucky we are to be able to use the Internet to look up facts and answers to almost any question we could ask.

I was just discussing this phenomenon with a friend this morning. We were saying that we were shocked that our parents, when they were our age, did not have access to such an amazing information database as the Internet. Today if we have a question about anything - almost anything at all - we only have to type our query into our smartphones to find an answer. Although the Internet has caused a lot of problems and complications (such as Internet bullying and stalking, and many others), we are so lucky to have this incredible resource. As my friend and I were saying, it would drive us crazy to not be able to remember something, and then not be able to even look up an answer or solution! Nowadays, information is so readily and easily available that we have become very impatient and demanding, in my opinion.

Anyway, this evening, when I scoured the web for more information about my ancestors, I found so much! It was truly astounding. Of course, I am very lucky that I have such a famous relative, Stephen Hopkins, about whom there is, unsurprisingly, a ton of information. However, when looking up the relative after whom I am named, I found some new, interesting facts, too.

One thing I found on the Internet tonight was this:

This is a screenshot from a website called "Find a Grave." I found a few of my ancestors' graves on this website, and some even had photos. This particular screenshot is from the Stephen Hopkins grave page. Although there was not a photo, there were several of these flowers images and accompanying messages, which was interesting because it shows how many people are actually related to Stephen Hopkins. Am I considered a relative of these people as well? Amazingly, there are 156 "notes" to Stephen Hopkins just on this one website. Incredible!

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